Greatest Love Casket Spray
From Teleflora. Express your love and devotion with the traditional elegance of this stunning red rose casket spray. Ideal for a full couch or closed casket service, the impressive display features a generous array of bold, beautiful blooms. Standard has 50 roses; Premium has 100 roses. Red roses are arranged with rich green salal and rich greens into a classic casket spray.
From Teleflora. Express your love and devotion with the traditional elegance of this stunning red rose casket spray. Ideal for a full couch or closed casket service, the impressive display features a generous array of bold, beautiful blooms. Standard has 50 roses; Premium has 100 roses. Red roses are arranged with rich green salal and rich greens into a classic casket spray.
From Teleflora. Express your love and devotion with the traditional elegance of this stunning red rose casket spray. Ideal for a full couch or closed casket service, the impressive display features a generous array of bold, beautiful blooms. Standard has 50 roses; Premium has 100 roses. Red roses are arranged with rich green salal and rich greens into a classic casket spray.