Roses & Gerbera Daisies Bouquet

from $56.95

Known for their bright and cheerful appearance, Gerber daisies will add a splash of color and joy to this arrangement. Each rose is printed with a message of your choice, adding a personal and heartfelt touch. Complementary greenery and filler flowers are included to enhance the overall look and feel of the bouquet. Choose your rose color and we will coordinate the rest.

Rose Color:
# of Roses & Daisies:
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Known for their bright and cheerful appearance, Gerber daisies will add a splash of color and joy to this arrangement. Each rose is printed with a message of your choice, adding a personal and heartfelt touch. Complementary greenery and filler flowers are included to enhance the overall look and feel of the bouquet. Choose your rose color and we will coordinate the rest.

Coordinating Colored Glass Vase

Known for their bright and cheerful appearance, Gerber daisies will add a splash of color and joy to this arrangement. Each rose is printed with a message of your choice, adding a personal and heartfelt touch. Complementary greenery and filler flowers are included to enhance the overall look and feel of the bouquet. Choose your rose color and we will coordinate the rest.