Designer's Choice Bouquet

from $39.95

Allow our designer’s to be creative and utilize our best stock on hand to create a one-of-a-kind masterpiece for your special someone. We will match it’s design and color with your special occasion.

*If you have any special requests for flowers or colors, please include them in the ‘instructions’ section during checkout.

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Allow our designer’s to be creative and utilize our best stock on hand to create a one-of-a-kind masterpiece for your special someone. We will match it’s design and color with your special occasion.

*If you have any special requests for flowers or colors, please include them in the ‘instructions’ section during checkout.

Coblentz Deluxe Chocolate Assortment
Snuggly Bear
Snuggly Bear
from $11.95
Flower Printing -Standard Message or Custom Design (choose wording)

Allow our designer’s to be creative and utilize our best stock on hand to create a one-of-a-kind masterpiece for your special someone. We will match it’s design and color with your special occasion.

*If you have any special requests for flowers or colors, please include them in the ‘instructions’ section during checkout.