Build a Rose Bouquet in a Vase

from $24.95

Send your special someone a beautiful rose bouquet caringly arranged in a clear vase. Add one of our standard messages to a petal of the roses for the special touch for a lasting impression. Rich Greenery, coordinating filler and a bow are included. Choose your rose color and our designers will coordinate the rest.

# of Roses:
Rose Color:
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Send your special someone a beautiful rose bouquet caringly arranged in a clear vase. Add one of our standard messages to a petal of the roses for the special touch for a lasting impression. Rich Greenery, coordinating filler and a bow are included. Choose your rose color and our designers will coordinate the rest.

Flower Printing -Standard Message or Custom Design (choose wording)
Coblentz Deluxe Chocolate Assortment
Snuggly Bear
Snuggly Bear
from $11.95

Send your special someone a beautiful rose bouquet caringly arranged in a clear vase. Add one of our standard messages to a petal of the roses for the special touch for a lasting impression. Rich Greenery, coordinating filler and a bow are included. Choose your rose color and our designers will coordinate the rest.

*You can add as many messages as you want. We will divide the number of messages into the number of roses to make a stunning custom bouquet. (Example: 24 rose bouquet with 4 messages = Each message will be printed on 6 roses.)